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sheepsahaver does not start win 10

Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 3:25 pm
by stefano62
Hello to everybody.
I have just intsalled sheepshaver for win (windows 10 64bit).
Unfortunately I did not succed I have followed all the steps with succes, but at the end when I click on start button of SheepShaverGuy nothing happen.

For convinience of anybody who would help me in the follwoitn I reprot the contents of the SheepShaver_prefs as result of mine configuration through it:

disk C:\mac_cd
disk C:\sheepshaver\hard_disk\macos.hfv
screen win/1024/768
windowmodes 3
screenmodes 63
seriala COM1
serialb COM2
rom C:\sheepshaver\Mac OS ROM
bootdrive 0
bootdriver 0
ramsize 1073741824
frameskip 0
gfxaccel true
nocdrom false
nonet false
nosound false
nogui false
noclipconversion false
ignoresegv false
ignoreillegal false
jit true
jit68k false
keyboardtype 5
keycodes false
mousewheelmode 1
mousewheellines 3
ignoresegv false
idlewait true
keycodes false
mousewheelmode 1
mousewheellines 3
enableextfs true
debugextfs false
pollmedia true
etherpermanentaddress true
ethermulticastmode 0
routerenabled false
ftp_port_list 21
portfile0 C:\B2TEMP0.OUT
portfile1 C:\B2TEMP1.OUT

Thanks in advance, for any suggestion!!!! :) :) :)

Re: sheepsahaver does not start win 10

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 4:16 am
by ClockWise
It is sort of a blunt force way of solving the problem, but try deleting your whole prefs file and just configuring it again. If one of the file paths is wrong the Windows version of SheepShaver just does nothing rather than giving an error message, which seems to be the problem you are facing.