E-Maculation News: February 2009
New SheepShaver and Basilisk II for OS X Builds!
Over in the forum you can now new builds of SheepShaver and Basilisk II. These correct an error that happened when the emulators were run in full-screen mode.
It's very cool, I think, that the emulators are still patched-up by dedicated users. Big thanks to forum member vasi for these fixes.
— ClockWise 2009/02/24 18:18
Random News
Lots of little things to report.
First: If you click over here, you can see the first of a two part article on Mac emulation (in Mac OS X) in French. It's a really well-done article.
Second: I took another stab at getting the news archive cut and pasted into the wiki. It now stretches all the way back to May 12, 2004. PearPC debuted around May 10 of that year.
Third: Following a suggestion from a forum member, I added Fullwrite Professional to the 68k_software software collection. I also added Decor.
Fourth: Lots of housekeeping. I finally got around to updating a bunch of the screenshots in the individual emulator sections. Some of the screenshots have been with us since the site went online back in 1999.
That's all for now…
— ClockWise 2009/02/23 05:57
SheepShaver for Playstation 3
Over here is a forum thread all about running SheepShaver on a PlayStation 3. And here is the original source of the information. That's also very cool.
— ClockWise 2009/02/19 17:04
Compatibility Chart
Kyle has created something very cool. It's a compatibility chart that gives the low-down on which games work (and don't work) in SheepShaver and Basilisk II (build 142). Games with particular quirks in the emulators are noted as such. Do check it out and swing by the forum if you have reports of your own to make.
— ClockWise 2009/02/15 18:41
Vacation Over :(
Okay. My vacation is over. I went to Borneo. Pretty cool.
Here's some emulation stuff:
- I finally uploaded some old versions of Basilisk II. You can now download the famous build 142, and an even older build from 1999 that supports classic emulation.
- If you click over here, you can read about Darek Mihocka's negative feelings about the MacWorld Expo. He thinks that it is just about dead.
- Meanwhile, Paul Pratt has expanded his listing of books about the 68K Macintosh. Check it out for some inspired reading.
Okay. I've got a bit more catching up to do later this week. I've got a really nice Basilisk II/SheepShaver compatibility list I want to get online. It was sent in by a reader of the site who seems to have spent many hours testing out the emulators.
— ClockWise 2009/02/09 00:18