E-Maculation News: June 2009
Mini vMac: 3.1.1 Alpha
There is a new Alpha release of Mini vMac available. Grab it over at the official site. Lots of release notes are posted there. The variations service has been updated to reflect the new release, also.
I'll post again when some builds get posted in the forum.
— ClockWise 2009/06/28 17:42
68K Mac Software
I did a quick update to the 68k software page. The page now includes Hypercard player and English text-to-speech 1.4.1 (which includes all of the 68K Macintalk versions). I'm going to try to start a collection of classic (1980s) Macintosh shareware by combing the archives of Macintosh Garden. Let me know if you have any favorite old-school softwares.
— ClockWise 2009/06/22 03:46
Classilla: A New Browser for Classic Mac OS
Check this out. It's a link to Classilla, a new Gecko-based browser being developed for Mac OS 8.6 and above. Pretty cool… retrocomputing makes me giddy.
A public version should hit at the beginning of July.
Click through the link for all the details.
— ClockWise 2009/06/15 22:56
Mini vMac Variations Service
The Mini vMac variations service is online now. For five dollars (processed through KAGI), you can get an access code that will let you use any of the new “variations” of Mini vMac now provided by developer Paul Pratt. The cost is to compensate Paul for the time and effort it takes to compile and upload the different (sometimes obscure) versions of the emulator.
And it's also a nifty way to support Paul's overall work on the emulator.
Check out the Mini vMac homepage for more info.
If you don't want to pay, Paul provides a free access code that just needs to be typed out every time.
— ClockWise 2009/06/08 22:47
New Mini vMac
Welcome to June!
There is lots of Mini vMac news on the official page. Developer Paul Pratt has uploaded an alpha release of the emulator. He says:
“I've decided to make a new stable version soon, without waiting to complete the Macintosh II emulation. Since that is where most work has been done, this will be a fairly minor update.”
He has included some information about providing a package that includes all possible variations of the emulator. Check out his update for the full scoop.
Meanwhile, forum member yksoft1 has provided a build of Mini vMac's latest development snapshot, dated May 27. Download that over here.
— ClockWise 2009/06/01 04:44