
E-Maculation News: October 2009

New SheepShaver: October 25

There is another new build of SheepShaver for OS X available in the forum. This one corrects some issues that people had using the the October 18 build on PPC machines.

ClockWise 2009/10/25 21:17

New SheepShaver: October 18

There is a new build of SheepShaver over in the forums. This one includes lots of new features and bug fixes. It's a big deal! The new features are not all documented in the user manual right now, but are described in the linked post. Do check it out.

ClockWise 2009/10/19 20:39

Mini vMac Builds

Over here in the forum you can download some Mini vMac builds that include the new stuff in last week's development snapshot. You can also see some neat screenshots, showing off Photoshop and Quicktime (minus the sound) running in the Mac II emulation. Pretty cool!

ClockWise 2009/10/18 20:57

New Mini vMac

If you click over to the Mini vMac Page you'll find news of a new development snapshot. Lots of great stuff there. I'll link later to some compiled versions of this one.

ClockWise 2009/10/15 00:29

AppleTalk in SheepShaver

I have wiki-fied a guide by Cat_7 and have added it to the website. You can now read all about Appletalk for SheepShaver/Basilisk II in Leopard or Snow Leopard (32-bit). It's great stuff!

ClockWise 2009/10/12 22:29

System 6 Hell

The System 6 Hell section now contains 34 games and applications on disk images ready for use in Mini vMac. Listed now are some great oldies, including 3D Edit, a 1980s 3D modeller. Check it out!

ClockWise 2009/10/12 02:42

New Basilisk II for OS X: October 4, 2009

There is a new version of Basilisk II for OS X available in the forum. It is dated October 4, 2009.

Here's what is new:

“New version build from source 4 October 2009, but without the 'SDL audio patch' change that was applied 19 February 2009. The 'SDL audio patch' caused poor sound performance, apparent in all BasiliskII for MacOSX builds in the past months.”

ClockWise 2009/10/04 20:10

News Archive

october_2009.txt · Last modified: 2009/10/31 23:34