
E-Maculation News: September 2010

LisaEM Setup Guide (for Windows)

Thanks to contributor fanman93 we now have an introduction to, and setup guide for the Windows version of LisaEM, the popular Apple Lisa emulator. It is a very well-written article, so do check it out.

ClockWise 2010/09/26 01:09

SheepShaver and Basilisk II guides for Linux

Cat_7 and I have spent the last week updating the site's Linux content. Our SheepShaver for Linux setup guide is mostly done now, and we've also published a new Basilisk II for Linux setup guide. Big thanks to Cat_7 for doing most of the hard work and putting together the Linux builds.

Stay tuned for more new site content!

ClockWise 2010/09/17 18:50

New SheepShaver for Linux Guide

We've published a guide to setting up SheepShaver in Linux. Read it here. If you check the forum, meanwhile, you can find some new builds of SheepShaver for Ubuntu or OpenSuse. Some new builds for BasiliskII for Linux are also available

ClockWise 2010/09/09 07:50

News Archive

september_2010.txt · Last modified: 2010/10/03 05:35