Setting up PCE/macplus for Windows
(Last updated September 20, 2011)
PCE/macplus is a classic Macintosh emulator. It emulates a Macintosh 128K, Macintosh 512k, Macintosh 512ke, Macintosh Plus, Macintosh SE or a Macintosh Classic. The PCE/macplus emulator is part of the PCE emulator suite, which also contains PCE/ibmpc, an IBM PC 5150 emulator. It emulates an IBM PC 5150 or an IBM PC/XT 5160.
Supported hardware
The developer lists the following hardware to be emulated:
* CPU A complete MC68000 emulator.
* ROM An unmodified ROM image is needed.
* RAM Memory configurations of 128K, 512K, 1M, 2.5M and 4M are supported.
* Video Supported (512*342*2)
* Sound Supported
* Floppy disks Supported by a custom driver. For this to work the ROM is patched at runtime.
* SCSI Up to 7 SCSI harddisks are supported.
* Serial ports Supported
* Mouse Supported
* Keyboard Supported
* AppleTalk Not supported
Getting started
Download the latest files from the developer's site. There is no installer to run, just extract the PCE archive in some appropriate location. Once finished, you have a running environment with sound support.
Starting the emulator
Handling the emulator
You can use the following keys in the terminal window to manage the emulator: