Extracting a ROM for use in SheepShaver using Basilisk II
(Last updated August 22, 2010)
If you want a ROM image for use in SheepShaver, you can skulk around the internet and download one fairly easily. But if you have already set up Basilisk II successfully, you can acquire a ROM image legally. Really! It's fun and easy! Before you begin, you need a few things:
- A working installation of Basilisk II. For help on how to do this, check out the guide. You will need to have installed Stuffit Expander as detailed in the guide. And yeah, you need a ROM for Basilisk II.
- The Macintosh program TomeViewer. TomeViewer will run in System 7.1 and above.
- You can extract your SheepShaver ROM from one of two files. The first is Mac OS Rom Update 1.0 and the second is iMac Update 1.1. Note that these ROMs are “New World” ROMs, and this can be used to boot only MacOS 8.5 through 9.0.4 in SheepShaver.
Extracting your ROM
Pick one of the Update files to work with. If you plan on using the latest stable release of SheepShaver (14 May 2006), either is okay. If you are using the latest unofficial release (30 March 2009) from the E-Maculation forum, you might want to extract a ROM from the iMac Update, as ROMS from the other update may not work.
Add the Update file and the TomeViewer download to your disk image. You can do this using HFVExplorer or by checking the “Enable 'My Computer' icon” box in the Basilisk II GUI to gain access to your Windows drives within the emulated Macintosh.
Double click on the update file. This will expand the update and mount a disk on your desktop (see figure one, below).
Figure one: The update is mounted on the desktop
Now expand the TomeViewer archive. Next, double click to run the application. In TomeViewer's menu bar, select “File –> Open.” Browse to your desktop and “Open” the update file (see figure two).
Figure two: About to open the Rom Update with TomeViewer
TomeViewer will display a window containing the actual ROM file (see figure three)! Click on the ROM file and the TomeViewer icon in the top left corner will turn blue. Click on the blue icon.
Figure three: TomeViewer is running. Highlight the ROM image and click on the blue icon.
Save the ROM. By default, TomeViewer will probably try to save the ROM to the mounted update disk. Don't do this: save it to your desktop or main disk. You might want to give the file a more descriptive name… at least give it the extension “.rom.:” Click “Expand” (see figure four).
Figure four: Saving the Rom image
Exit TomeViewer. Now you have a Macintosh rom that will work with SheepShaver. Just get the file back to Windows using HFVExplorer or the “My Computer” system. Enjoy!
We're all done! For more help you should check out our Macintosh Emulation Forum. Big thanks to Gwenole Beauchesne for developing SheepShaver.