Qemu package and guide for Windows available

About Qemu-system-ppc, a PPC Mac emulator for Windows, macOS and Linux that can run Mac OS 9.0 up to Mac OS X 10.5

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Qemu package and guide for Windows available

Post by Cat_7 »


Here are some qemu-system-ppc for Windows builds:
The status of running various guests is recorded here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... edit#gid=0

Use it with this guide: http://www.emaculation.com/doku.php/ppc ... or-windows

From official source:

https://surfdrive.surf.nl/files/index.p ... 1/download
Note: contains a fix for the keyboard when using -display sdl. The windows key is now treated as a modifier key correctly but not in all cases.
Notably Win-L (immediate logout), Win-G (gaming overlay) are not captured correctly. Also note that in Mac OS Command and Option act reversed.

https://surfdrive.surf.nl/files/index.p ... o/download

https://surfdrive.surf.nl/files/index.p ... p/download

Cumulative fixes and enhancements:

-Fixes issue when switching colour depths .

-Supports using a tablet driver for the mouse. Read this in our guide: https://www.emaculation.com/doku.php/pp ... er_support
-Supports a serial connection over USB. For Mac OS 9.x a FTDI driver is needed from: https://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/VCP.htm (download the 1.0f4 version). In the qemu.bat file add -device usb-serial,chardev=cons -chardev console,id=cons (id can be anything, but id= and chardev= have to match)
-When the mouse is captured inside the Qemu window, pressing the Windows key will no longer result in the Windows menu popping up.

Experimental builds

Note: For all sound-enabled builds: Do not set memory to 1024Mb or higher, or else sound will break. Do not turn off Virtual Memory. Download into its own folder.
When using a experimental build with sound support, make sure you always have the latest QuickTime and iTunes installed for your guest OS.
Note: If you encounter crashes in the Apple Audio Extension, start Qemu without extensions and use the extension manager to disable the Apple Audio Extension.

24-09-2024: Qemu 9.1 with sound support
https://surfdrive.surf.nl/files/index.p ... A/download
Note: this build also includes the fix for the keyboard when using -display sdl, also see the remark above at the build from official source.

20-01-2024: Qemu 8.2 with sound support
https://surfdrive.surf.nl/files/index.p ... 2/download

24-08-2019: Qemu 4.1 with some ATI Rage128 Pro support
https://surfdrive.surf.nl/files/index.p ... z/download
Be sure to read the READ ME

Earlier builds are no longer available

Last edited by Cat_7 on Fri May 19, 2017 7:25 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Qemu package and guide for Windows available

Post by EVWeb »

Is there a blank iso included, or is there a utility you would recommend to create one on Windows?
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Re: Qemu package and guide for Windows available

Post by Cat_7 »

EVWeb wrote:Is there a blank iso included, or is there a utility you would recommend to create one on Windows?
I updated the windows download. It now includes qemu-img.exe. You can use it like this:
qemu-img create -f raw -o size=6G diskname.raw

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Re: Qemu package and guide for Windows available

Post by EVWeb »

The new zip is missing the bat file btw, but thanks for the quick reply.
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Re: Qemu package and guide for Windows available

Post by Cat_7 »

It still early....
I create those builds in Fedora Linux, move them to Windows and add the batch file etc. Forgot that last step.

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Re: Qemu package and guide for Windows available

Post by EVWeb »

No problem, I still have my modified bat file, but I thought you'd like to know just in case someone else tries to use it.
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Re: Qemu package and guide for Windows available

Post by that-ben »

Hi! I've been away for 2 months and I see there has been significant progress on the QEMU project to run Mac OS 9.2.2!

I've tried downloading the latest build for Windows and using this BAT command:

qemu-system-ppc-wip.exe -bios openbios-qemu-wip.elf -L pc-bios -boot c -m 512 -M mac99 -prom-env "auto-boot?=true" -prom-env "boot-args=-v" -sdl -net nic,model=sungem -net user -drive "file=E:\Backups\Software\Macintosh\Mac OS 9.2.2 Universal Install (2002).iso",format=raw,media=disk

It boots perfectly every single run, but trying to initialize a 2GB img file as a HFS or HFS+ partition freezes the whole OS permanently. As stated in a previous post from somebody else, rebooting QEMU brings us further and lets us finish formatting the hard drive. What I cannot do is install Mac OS 9.2.2. No matter what I try (not moving the mouse, moving the mouse, leaving it for 20 minutes and coming back, add -cpu G3 or removing it, trying with 256MB or 512MB of RAM, different screen resolutions...) it always freezes the whole OS after roughly 1 minute, it's very constant, about 1 minute into the installation process, it freezes. Never went any further than this:


My boot command at this point is:

qemu-system-ppc-wip.exe -bios openbios-qemu-wip.elf -L pc-bios -boot d -m 256 -cpu G3 -M mac99 -g 800x600x32 -prom-env "auto-boot?=true" -prom-env "boot-args=-v" -sdl -net nic,model=sungem -net user -drive "file=E:\Backups\Software\Macintosh\Mac OS 9.2.2 Universal Install (2002).iso,format=raw,media=cdrom" -drive file=./hard_disk.img,format=raw,media=disk
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Re: Qemu package and guide for Windows available

Post by kataetheweirdo »

Change -drive file=./hard_disk.img,format=raw,media=disk to -drive file=./hard_disk.img,format=raw,media=disk,cache=writethrough or -drive file=./hard_disk.img,format=raw,media=disk,cache=writeback . You might also want to remove the net commands to see if those affect anything.

You can also try other versions of OpenBIOS to see if those work better with disk writes and reads.
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Re: Qemu package and guide for Windows available

Post by that-ben »

Hi kataetheweirdo,

Tried all combinations twice just to be sure of the results.

cache=writethrough resulted in the installation not even begin at all. Right after accepting the terms and clicking start, the OS froze, not even displaying the progress bar. Rebooted, deleted the whole hard drive contents and reinstalled, it did what it did yesterday: about 50-60 seconds in, the OS froze.

cache=writeback resulted in exactly like yesterday, meaning about 1 minute in the installation, the OS froze, the two times I tried.

Removed both -net arguments from the command line, this resulted in the ethernet extension not searching at boot, so faster boot time AND it resulted in the same thing, about 1 minute in the install, the OS freezes, with both suggested cache arguments from the command line, tested twice each.

So it seems none of the suggested command line arguments changed anything really. BTW just to make something clear, the Mac OS 9.2.2 install CD always (EVERY SINGLE TIME) booted succesfully, it never froze or crashed except for the installation. At this point in time, are we supposed to be able to install it from the CD ISO or are we supposed to install it elsewhere and then boot QEMU with a disk image already having Mac OS 9.2.2 installed on it? Sorry if this has been made clear before, I'm not done reading the 42 pages long thread on the topic but I'm getting there! :P

My config is: FX-8350 8 cores 4ghz, 32GB of RAM, Windows 7 64-bits, running qemu-system-ppc-wip.exe (the 32-bits version it seems?)

* EDIT: I went and check inside the pc-bios folder and found a file named "openbios-ppc" and I used that in the command line instead of the default WIP file and it works perfectly, tested in 32-bits and 64-bits version both installed the first time without freezing!

** EDIT #2: After reading allllll the way up to page 41 of the other thread, I stumbled upon Cat_7's post about setting COMPATIBILITY MODE to "Windows 7" for the hard disk errors and freezing to go away and it now works with the default WIP BIOS that comes with the current version, I succesfully installed Mac OS 9.2.2 the first time without any freezing. It's nice to use the WIP BIOS because it allows us to change screen resolution and color depth on the fly from within Mac OS 9. PERFECT! :D

BTW funny thing, when you're done with the install and go to the Startup Disk control panel, it incorrectly reports Mac OS 9.2.2 as Mac OS 9.1.2 :P



Thanks for helping out and keep up the good work everybody :)

QUESTION: Does anybody know how to bind the WINDOWS KEY to the COMMAND KEY of Mac OS 9? The key that lets you for example close a window with COMMAND-W.
Last edited by that-ben on Mon Sep 05, 2016 1:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Qemu package and guide for Windows available

Post by peter_j »

EDIT. Sorry! I see you got it running.

I just tried setting up another 9.22, and it worked this time without an install error. Last one I tried had a problem reading Big System Morsels but pressing "Start" a second time went through.

The virtual drive I used had been pre-partitioned under Jaguar with OS 9 drivers installed (Qemu, but one partitioned via PearPC Jaguar also seems to work ).

The command used on setup was:

Code: Select all

"G:\Qemu\qemu-system-ppc64-wip.exe" -bios "G:\Qemu\openbios-ppc-rtas" -boot d -m 256 -M mac99 -prom-env "auto-boot?=true" -prom-env "boot-args=-v" -g 1024x768x32 -cpu G3 -drive "file=G:\Qemu\macos-922-uni.iso,media=cdrom,format=raw,index=0,copy-on-read=off" -drive "file=G:\Qemu\Test_922.img,media=disk,format=raw,index=1,copy-on-read=off" -device rtl8139,netdev=network0 -netdev user,id=network0 -usb -usbdevice mouse  -usbdevice keyboard -sdl 
The .iso I used was 607 023 104 bytes ( there seem to be a few floating around ).

After installation I had no keyboard, so I removed

Code: Select all

-usb -usbdevice mouse  -usbdevice keyboard
then it worked. I have NOT tried any networking.

Win10 64-bit machine, 16GB RAM.

Maybe that might help. BTW I cannot get 9.1 going at all but will try again.
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Re: Qemu package and guide for Windows available

Post by peter_j »

that-ben wrote: My config is: FX-8350 8 cores 4ghz, 32GB of RAM, Windows 7 64-bits, running qemu-system-ppc-wip.exe (the 32-bits version it seems?)
Excuse the ignorance, but where can I get that one? I only seem to have a 64-bit version.
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Re: Qemu package and guide for Windows available

Post by that-ben »

Hi peter_j,

As per stated by Cat_7 you can download the latest build and inside the folder, you will see these files:

qemu-system-ppc64-wip.exe (which is the 64-bits version)
qemu-system-ppc-wip.exe (which is the 32-bits version)
Cat_7 wrote:Hi,

Windows 64 bit Qemu version is available here:
http://www.open.ou.nl/hsp/downloads3/wi ... 082016.zip
QUESTION: Does anybody know how to bind the WINDOWS KEY to the COMMAND KEY of Mac OS 9? The key that lets you for example close a window with COMMAND-W.
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Re: Qemu package and guide for Windows available

Post by Cat_7 »


All versions are 64 bit, but emulate either a 32 bit ppc system or a 64 bit ppc system. The ppc64 executable uses a different set of hardware devices, which is not really suitable for our purpose yet.
So, we run a 64 windows executable emulating a 32 bit Mac.

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Re: Qemu package and guide for Windows available

Post by peter_j »

OK thanks. I think I have understood. I was trying to run on a Win7-32-bit machine at work.
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Re: Qemu package and guide for Windows available

Post by Cat_7 »

You need a 32 bit executable?
You can get a 32 bit Qemu2.7 build from https://qemu.weilnetz.de/w32/qemu-w32-s ... 160903.exe

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Re: Qemu package and guide for Windows available

Post by peter_j »

Thanks, yes. I have various of those, but I can't get OS 9 to install with them, while your wip builds work on Win-64-bit machine.

Once again, thanks for the responses - the "support" here is most generous and kind.
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Re: Qemu package and guide for Windows available

Post by adespoton »

Get the official 2.7 release build off the website, and use it with the VGA-enabled OpenBIOS from these threads; that should boot everything for you.
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Re: Qemu package and guide for Windows available

Post by powerpc_g4 »

Cat_7 wrote:You need a 32 bit executable?
You can get a 32 bit Qemu2.7 build from https://qemu.weilnetz.de/w32/qemu-w32-s ... 160903.exe

that binary doesn't work for me.

I copied the pc-bios folder from the download in the OP to the 32it qemu folder and it doesn't run

Here is my .bat

Code: Select all

qemu-system-ppcw.exe -bios openbios-qemu-wip.elf -L pc-bios -boot c -m 512 -M mac99p -prom-env "auto-boot?=true" -prom-env "boot-args=-v" -sdl -net nic,model=sungem -net user -drive file=C:\Program Files\qemu\osx.raw,format=raw,media=disk 
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Re: Qemu package and guide for Windows available

Post by adespoton »

You need to quote your drive path; it has spaces in it.
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Re: Qemu package and guide for Windows available

Post by powerpc_g4 »

adespoton wrote:You need to quote your drive path; it has spaces in it.
Ok, I did that and it still won't run.

Here is the appended .bat

Code: Select all

qemu-system-ppcw.exe -bios openbios-qemu-wip.elf -L pc-bios -boot c -m 512 -M mac99p -prom-env "auto-boot?=true" -prom-env "boot-args=-v" -net nic,model=sungem -net user -drive file="C:\Program Files\qemu\osx.raw",format=raw,media=disk
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Re: Qemu package and guide for Windows available

Post by Cat_7 »

It seems you are mixing various components not belonging together.
If you download the 32 bit version, you cannot use the sungem network device.

The 32 bit version from Stefan Weil's download puts all files needed to run Qemu in one folder.
First set the compatibility of qemu-system-ppc.exe to Windows 7. Then you would need a bat file like this in the folder in which qemu is installed and where your hard disk file is:

qemu-system-ppc.exe -boot c -m 512 -M mac99 -prom-env "auto-boot?=true" -prom-env "boot-args=-v" -net nic,model=rtl8139 -net user -drive file=osx.raw,format=raw,media=disk

Assuming you have an osx version installed on osx.raw, that should boot the disk.

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Re: Qemu package and guide for Windows available

Post by powerpc_g4 »

Cat_7 wrote:It seems you are mixing various components not belonging together.
If you download the 32 bit version, you cannot use the sungem network device.

The 32 bit version from Stefan Weil's download puts all files needed to run Qemu in one folder.
First set the compatibility of qemu-system-ppc.exe to Windows 7. Then you would need a bat file like this in the folder in which qemu is installed and where your hard disk file is:

qemu-system-ppc.exe -boot c -m 512 -M mac99 -prom-env "auto-boot?=true" -prom-env "boot-args=-v" -net nic,model=rtl8139 -net user -drive file=osx.raw,format=raw,media=disk

Assuming you have an osx version installed on osx.raw, that should boot the disk.


thanks I got qemu running, but now how do I mount an install disc?
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Re: Qemu package and guide for Windows available

Post by Cat_7 »

qemu-system-ppc.exe -boot d -m 512 -M mac99 -prom-env "auto-boot?=true" -prom-env "boot-args=-v" -net nic,model=rtl8139 -net user drive file=name_of_disk_image.iso,format=raw,media=cdrom -drive file=osx.raw,format=raw,media=disk

change -boot to d (to boot from cd/dvd image) and add a drive entry. See example above.

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Re: Qemu package and guide for Windows available

Post by powerpc_g4 »

Cat_7 wrote:qemu-system-ppc.exe -boot d -m 512 -M mac99 -prom-env "auto-boot?=true" -prom-env "boot-args=-v" -net nic,model=rtl8139 -net user drive file=name_of_disk_image.iso,format=raw,media=cdrom -drive file=osx.raw,format=raw,media=disk

change -boot to d (to boot from cd/dvd image) and add a drive entry. See example above.

wouldn't that just mount the install disc only? Isn't there a way to have the CD and hard disk mounted at the same time?
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Re: Qemu package and guide for Windows available

Post by Cat_7 »

Silly me, here I was assuming you still needed to install

qemu-system-ppc.exe -boot c -m 512 -M mac99 -prom-env "auto-boot?=true" -prom-env "boot-args=-v" -net nic,model=rtl8139 -net user -drive file=osx.raw,format=raw,media=disk -drive file=name_of_disk_image.iso,format=raw,media=cdrom

This will boot from hd and mount both hd and cd.
All -drive entries are mounted once the boot is done.

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