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Quicktime... Unhandled exeptions (any ver that works?)

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2003 2:42 am
by demon1s
Yep... I decided to try again to emulate mac and was successful :D . I have Os 8.1 running well and (almost)all is good.

I downloaded EVNova (my whole point of emulating mac :P ) and it all works fine except quicktime movies raise an unhandled expeption and quit the emulator.

Normal quicktime movies do this as well. I'm using QT 4.0.1 or similar. Is there any thing i can do to make movies play (would QT 3 work maybe?)? i know i can play EVN without them but i kinda wanna watch the cut scenes.

My prefs (if needed) =
disk C:\Mac\HD.HFV
floppy A:\
cdrom F:\
cdrom E:\
scsi0 <Free SCSI slot 0>
scsi1 <Free SCSI slot 1>
scsi2 <Free SCSI slot 2>
scsi3 <Free SCSI slot 3>
scsi4 <Free SCSI slot 4>
scsi5 <Free SCSI slot 5>
scsi6 <Free SCSI slot 6>
screen fb/800/600/16
seriala FILE
serialb FILE
rom C:\Mac\SoftMac\ROMs\QUAD650.ROM
bootdrive 0
bootdriver 0
ramsize 268435456
frameskip 6
modelid 20
cpu 68040
fpu true
nocdrom false
nosound false
nogui false
noclipconvert false
nofloppyboot false
noscsi true
ntdx5hack false
rightmouse 1
keyboardfile BasiliskII_keyboard
pollmedia true
priority_ether_run 0
priority_ether_idle 0
priority_serial_in_run 0
priority_serial_in_idle 0
priority_serial_out_run 0
priority_serial_out_idle 0
priority_cpu_run 0
priority_cpu_idle -1
priority_60hz_run 1
priority_60hz_idle 1
priority_1hz_run 1
priority_1hz_idle 1
priority_pram_run 0
priority_pram_idle -1
priority_gui_run 1
priority_gui_idle 0
priority_gdi_run 0
priority_gdi_idle -1
priority_dx_run 0
priority_dx_idle -1
priority_fb_run 0
priority_fb_idle -1
priority_sound_run 0
priority_sound_idle 0
noaudio true
debugscsi 0
debugfilesys 0
debugserial 0
framesleepticks 12
showfps false
stickymenu true
etherpermanentaddress true
ethermulticastmode 0
disable98optimizations false
realmodecd false
soundbuffers 3
soundbuffersize8000 1024
soundbuffersize11025 2048
soundbuffersize22050 2048
soundbuffersize44100 4096
nosoundwheninactive true
mousewheelmode 1
mousewheellines 3
mousewheelreversex false
mousewheelreversey false
mousewheelclickmode 1
mousewheelcust00 +37+3B-3B-37
mousewheelcust01 +37+3C-3C-37
usealtescape true
usealttab false
usecontrolescape true
usealtspace true
usealtenter true
disableaccuratetimer false
guiautorestart 0
gethardwarevolume true
enableextfs false
usentfsafp false
extdrives #CDEFMZ
typemapfile C:\Mac\BasiliskII\Setup\BasiliskII.ftm
debugextfs 0
portfile0 C:\B2TEMP0.OUT
portfile1 C:\B2TEMP1.OUT
DX_fullscreen_refreshrate 75 Hertz
mousemovementmode 1
usestartupsound true
smp_ethernet 0
smp_serialin 0
smp_serialout 0
smp_cpu 0
smp_60hz 0
smp_1hz 0
smp_pram 0
smp_gui 0
smp_gdi 0
smp_dx 0
smp_fb 0
smp_audio 0
idlesleep 1
idlesleepenabled false
idletimeout 0
routerenabled false
ftp_port_list 21
disablescreensaver true
keyboardtype 5

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2003 10:06 am
by Mac Emu
I've never tried the framebuffer settings for video. How do things work without it?

Quicktime 4.0.3 was the last version for 68k Macs. You can download it here: (It might fix the problem you are experiencing if you have a previous version.)

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2003 6:59 am
by demon1s
Thats the version i'm running... and i am allways switching screen things back and forth... frame buffer seems to crash the least, although it still crashes at least once every 1/2 hour.

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2003 10:38 am
by Mac Emu
As I've never really played Nova, and I won't have access to my PC for awhile, I can't attest to the stability of Build 143 running QuickTime movies. I do know that the person who created Build 143 (Luari) says that it would be a little buggy. Once I get home, I'll try out your prefs on my PC and see if I can duplicate the problem and maybe find a solution.

Meanwhile, can anyone else vouch for the ability of Nova not crashing Basilisk II when QuickTime movies are played?


Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2003 4:26 pm
by The Balance Of Judgement
Well, I have not tried the EV Patch version of Basilisk, but I use Quicktime 4 and movies play just fine, they don't crash the emulator.

I'll test out the other version and see what happens.