Building Basikisk II for Raspberry Pi
Moderators: Cat_7, Ronald P. Regensburg
Building Basikisk II for Raspberry Pi
Are there any tips for building Basilisk II for the Raspberry Pi? I'm going to run the Pi booting straight into Basilisk II so my preference is to run without X if possible. It seems, from what I have gathered, this was possible at least at some point in the past but I have been unsuccessful in building and running it thus far. In particular when trying to run it after compiling I get two SDL errors about "SDL_SetWindowGammaRamp returned -1, SDL error: That operation is not supported" followed by a "WARNING: RmvTime(000f11d6): Descriptor not found" and then nothing.
Re: Building Basikisk II for Raspberry Pi returns a couple of semi-useful links; looks like you need to use SDL2 targeting the frame buffer instead of X. Should be possible, but may require a bit of tweaking.
Re: Building Basikisk II for Raspberry Pi
To build Basilisk II (and SheepShaver; see on the corresponding thread) on Raspberry PI OS lite, follow these steps:
skip to line 324 and kill the following lines (to use slirp without sudo)
Code: Select all
sudo apt install git libsdl2* automake samba samba-common smbclient libmpc-dev -y
git clone
cd ./macemu
cd BasiliskII/
cd src/Unix/
sudo nano ether_unix.cpp
Code: Select all
// Don't raise SIGPIPE, let errno be set to EPIPE
struct sigaction sigpipe_sa;
if (sigaction(SIGPIPE, NULL, &sigpipe_sa) == 0) {
assert(sigpipe_sa.sa_handler == SIG_DFL || sigpipe_sa.sa_handler == SIG_IGN);
sigpipe_sa.sa_flags = 0;
sigpipe_sa.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
sigaction(SIGPIPE, &sigpipe_sa, NULL);
Code: Select all
./configure --enable-sdl-video --enable-sdl-audio --disable-vosf --disable-jit-compiler
sudo make install
Re: Building Basikisk II for Raspberry Pi
I've raised a GitHub issue for this Anyone able to join the discussion about a more suitable long term fix?