I'm one step away from getting Win 11 (24H2) to connect to QEMU running OS 10.4.11. Filezille askes me for my password but then times out and can not connect to server. It does recognize my username!
FileZilla settings as per setup instructions: At FTP set transfer mode to active. At FTP active mode/Active mode IP set “Use the following IP address” to your host ip address. On the same page disable Don't use external IP address…..
I've tried localhost and my IP4 address. Turned off Windows firewall. Tried port 21 or 2121.
I'm assuming with OS 10.4 I don't need NetPresenz or the line: -device sungem,netdev=network01 -netdev user,id=network01,hostfwd=tcp::2121-:21. FTP and Windows file transfer in MAC OS active, no firewall.
Do I need sudo? Do I have to forward ports in my modem?
What can I do next? Thanks in advance!
I think the first thing to check is: does FTP work on the guest? Can you fire up an FTP client and connect to localhost? If not, you don't have FTP filesharing enabled even though you've got the box checked. If you can, then the issue is further out. My guess is that it has to do with the Filezilla authentication presets, since you seem to be able to connect; Filezilla supports a number of authentication protocols, and IIRC, it defaults to a more secure variant these days than cleartext (which is what you need). Beyond that, you may need the sungem line to make the FTP port available to the host system, depending on how you've got your networking set up.
You shouldn't need sudo or forwarding to your modem; you should just be able to connect to the IP address that your guest system reports it has. Or, if you enable the sungem line, you can connect to localhost on port 2121.
I assume you have Qemu running on the same machine as from which you want to connect to it.
If you do not use tap networking but user networking (slirp) you need the redirection:
-device sungem,netdev=network01 -netdev user,id=network01,hostfwd=tcp::2121-:21
In Mac OSX enable the ftp service.
Follow the settings in our guide:
Start Filezilla, open Settings.
At FTP set transfer mode to active.
At FTP active mode/Active mode IP set “Use the following IP address” to your host ip address.
On the same page disable Don't use external IP address…..
In the connection bar, enter your host ip address and your Mac OS X user name and port 2121, then click connect. Filezilla will ask for your Mac OS password.
You do not need to change anything in you router, and do not need to run as admin or root.
And no, you do not need to install anything in Mac OS X 10.4 to run an FTP server, enabling the service is enough.
Something has to be clarified: The host is Windows with either localhost or the IP4 address.
Being a dummy, I ask: which IPs do I set and where?
Do I need sftp?
BTW, I can ping localhost from QEMU!
@ adespoton: I'm still trying to get a FTP Program into QEMU, but of course I can't get files in yet from Windows and Safari can't open any websites at all.....
Something has to be clarified: The host is Windows with either localhost or the IP4 address.
In Filezilla you enter the IP4 address of your host, your username as set in Mac OS X and the port number 2121. Not localhost or
With -device sungem,netdev=network01 -netdev user,id=network01,hostfwd=tcp::2121-:21
You tell Qemu to open port 2121 on the windows host and direct all ftp traffic (normally on port 21) to the host. The hostfwd rule acts as a bridge between guest and host.
BobMay wrote: Fri Jan 31, 2025 5:34 pm
@ adespoton: I'm still trying to get a FTP Program into QEMU, but of course I can't get files in yet from Windows and Safari can't open any websites at all.....
Something's odd here. Safari should be able to open http:// website just fine (such as, for example, http://macintoshgarden.org). As for connecting to the host; it might make more sense to run FileZilla Server on the host and connect to its IP address from the guest system using FTP? That way, you can use the default SLIRP networking without any port forwarding.
Windows filesharing on the guest uses simple NTLM authentication, which is no longer supported by default in Windows, which defaults to Kerberos authentication with fallback to NTLMv2. To turn it back on, you can use these steps: https://www.thewindowsclub.com/change-l ... tion-level . "Send LM & NTLM – use NTLMv2 session security if negotiated" is the setting that has maximum compatibility.
There's no need to get an FTP program into QEMU; OS X 10.4 has FTP built-in, both in the Finder and from Terminal. In the Finder, you can just do "connect to server..." and enter an FTP address. The target address should show up as a regular Finder window.
I'm very grateful and appreciative for your help, but I just can't get it to work.
I can reach some websites from QEMU Safari (like Google), so the internet is working. Also, I was able to download and install OS updates.
I changed NTLM authentication on Windows as instructed.
I don't understand enough about networking. I don't know what FTP address to enter in Mac finder to start an FTP session with Windows.
Some other users have also given up and have turned to burning .iso.
I appreciate the effort people invest into creating such great emulators. I will continue to "play around". If I have success, I will post my settings.
Thanks once again! Best regards!
You have to start Qemu with this line in the bat file: -device sungem,netdev=network01 -netdev user,id=network01,hostfwd=tcp::2121-:21
If unsure, copy the content of your whole bat file in a replay and we'll take a look.
Thanks for not giving up on me (just yet)
Did everything. Still no success. Cannot connect to server.
Does it matter that my Windows IP4 is
And just to be sure (dummy question) This is the address I enter in FileZilla in Host and ...in "use the following IP address" No where is the Mac IP entered, right?
The FileZilla window shows this: Connecting to does this look right?
Does it matter that my Windows IP4 is
-Not at all.
And just to be sure (dummy question) This is the address I enter in FileZilla in Host and ...in "use the following IP address"
-Yes, at both places.
No where is the Mac IP entered, right?
-There is no Mac IP address entered anywhere in Filezilla. It all happens on your windows host.
The FileZilla window shows this: Connecting to does this look right?
-The first thing I see after clicking Quickconnect is a small window called Enter Password is:
Host: (this is my Windows 11 host IP address and the correct port)
User: hsp (this is my username in Mac OS X 10.4)
Password: (here goes my password of the username in Mac OS X 10.4)
After entering my password belonging to the user "hsp" in Mac OS X, the Filezilla Status pane shows:
Status: Connecting to
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Status: Insecure server, it does not support FTP over TLS.
Status: Server does not support non-ASCII characters.
Status: Logged in
Status: Retrieving directory listing...
Status: Directory listing of "/Users/hsp" successful
To be sure that you added the line -device sungem,netdev=network01 -netdev user,id=network01,hostfwd=tcp::2121-:21 correctly to your qemu bat file, please paste its content in your reply.
First off - thanks a lot for all the tips on setting this up. I was having the same issues. It would connect then time out.
I added the "default local directory" in one of the settings, and now it works! That made the difference for me.
The guest 10.4 username in my case is "timcook" (yes - I grabbed that 10.4 image online), and so I set that in the FTP setting for that specific server.
Go under "Advanced", and there you'll have "Default local directory".
I set it to "/timcook".
@marcsimard: Congrats to a successful connection!
I can't find an advanced setting in FileZilla for a default local directory. I'm using the most current version 3.68.1.
I did a clean install and used my user name.
@Cat_7: here is my qemu.bat file:
qemu-system-ppc.exe ^
-L pc-bios ^
-M mac99,via=pmu ^
-m 512 ^
-display sdl ^
-device sungem,netdev=network01 -netdev user,id=network01,hostfwd=tcp::2121-:21 ^
-boot c ^
-drive file=50g.img,format=raw,media=disk ^
Your bat file seems fine, except for the last line: the last line in the bat file should never end with a ^ because windows then attempts to read a next line that isn't there.
To complicate things there are two places where you can enter settings in Filezilla: one is through Edit/Settings and the other is through the Site Manager. The Site Manager can be used to predefine/save multiple connections settings for easy switching between settings for various ftp servers. These settings can partly override settings made in Edit/Settings.
As specified by Cat_7, I also remapped the port 2121 to 21 in my command line to startup the vm:
-netdev user,id=network01,hostfwd=tcp::2121-:21
That's what did it for me.
Now - I also had another issue. While doing all of this, my Internet connection has been having issues; working for 10 mins, and then failing for 10. Even though everything is local, whenever my Internet connection is down, I am unable to connect to the guest VM via FTP. I have no clue as to why, and I won't troubleshoot that part, but it does have a clear impact. My host machine is on my local network and connects to the main router which itself talks to the modem (the modem looses connection to the optical fibre). I don't see why it would make a difference, but it does.
Many thanks, I've incorporated all of your suggestions, but it just won't connect.
Thinking 10.4. was corrupt, I did a clean install of 10.5. on a newly created disk.
Same thing. It won't connect. It's a bit different in 10.5: File sharing, share files and folders using FTP.
This makes me think it's a Windows thing?
I think it's time for a beer
Bye for now and thanks again!
How nice of you not to give up on me!!
I have only one network and it's completely wireless.
I do have a VPN, but it's deactivated.
Here's the output from FileZilla: